Himno Nacional de El Salvador en inglés

El Himno Nacional de El Salvador es uno de los símbolos patrios más importantes de nuestro país, ya que representa un canto popular que nos identifica como Salvadoreños en cualquier parte del mundo.

Muchos compatriotas o extranjeros buscan la letra del Himno Nacional de El Salvador en inglés, es por ello que queremos presentárselas para que la conozcan. El Himno se canta colocando la mano derecha en el corazón.

Himno Nacional de El Salvador en inglés

Let us salute the motherland,
Proud to be called her children.
To her well-being let us swear
Boldly and unceasingly to devote our lives.
Let us salute the motherland,
Proud to be called her children.
To her well-being let us swear
Boldly and unceasingly to devote our lives,
our lives, our lives, our lives, our lives.

Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness,
El Salvador has always nobly dreamed.
To achieve this has been her eternal proposition,
To keep it, her greatest glory.
With inviolable faith, she eagerly follows
The way of progress
In order to fulfil her high destiny
And achieve a happy future.
A stern barrier protects her
Against the clash of vile disloyalty,
Ever since the day when her lofty banner,
In letters of blood, wrote «Freedom,»
Wrote «Freedom,» wrote «Freedom.»

Freedom is her dogma and her guide;
A thousand times she has defended it,
And as many times has she repelled
The hateful power of atrocious tyranny.
Her history has been bloody and sad,
Yet at the same time sublime and brilliant,
A source of legitimate glory
And a great lesson in Spartan pride.
Her innate bravery shall not waver:
In every man there is an immortal hero
Who knows how to maintain the level
Of the proverbial valor of old.
valor of old, valor of old.

All are self-denying and faithful
To the tradition of warlike ardor
With which they have always reaped fame
By saving the motherland’s honor.
To respect the rights of others
And base her actions on right and justice
Is for her, without infamous intrigue,
The constant and most firm ambition.
And in following this line she persists,
Dedicating her tenacious efforts
In giving hard battle for battle;
Her happiness is found in peace.
found in peace, found in peace.

2 comentarios sobre “Himno Nacional de El Salvador en inglés

  • el 27/08/2015 a las 8:21 AM

    JUAN: Puedes preguntar en la Dirección de Publicaciones e Impresos, o en la Biblioteca Nacional. Puede que ellos tengan una copia de las partituras 🙂

  • el 07/05/2015 a las 4:11 AM

    me gustaria conseguir las partituras del himno nacional de el salvador para tocarlo con una banda de musica. tengo unas pero se ven muy mal. gracias.


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